竹韻小集「絲路縱橫」巡迴音樂會:音樂劇場「條條大路通羅馬」Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble “Along the Silk Road” Touring Concert: Music Theatre “All Roads Lead to Rome”
7:30pm - 8:45pm
Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
社區文化大使 – 竹韻小集「絲路縱橫」巡迴音樂會:音樂劇場「條條大路通羅馬」

2019 Community Cultural Ambassador – Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble “Along the Silk Road” Touring Concert
: Music Theatre “All Roads Lead to Rome”


竹韻小集 Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble

Founded in 2003, Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble is a professional Chinese music ensemble actively promoting local talents and producing quality chamber concerts with a mission to promote Chinese music culture in Hong Kong and to show the unique charm of Chinese instrumental ensemble music. The Ensemble bears the artistic motto 'Small but Elegant, Simple yet Refined' of characteristic Chinese music, passing on Cantonese music culture. 
Since its establishment, it has presented over 50 series concerts and 500 outreach concerts, premièred over 50 new works by Hong Kong composers, and cooperated with many international and local maestros. In 2011, conductor Ho Man-chuen was appointed as its Artistic Adviser, and the Ensemble's founder Chan Chiu-yin was appointed as its Executive Director. Currently it is a grant recipient of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and a registered non-profit-making organisation in Hong Kong. 
Representing Hong Kong, the Ensemble has been engaging in various cultural exchange performances in over 20 countries and regions. Invited performances include Zhangjiajie International Country Music Week (2011, Hunan), the Chinese Traditional Wind Instrument Music Week at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (2012, Shanghai), China-ASEAN Music Week (2013 and 2018, Guangxi), Musicarama (2014 and 2017, Hong Kong), Macau International Music Festival (2015, Macau), Silk Road International Arts Festival (2016, Shaanxi), Hong Kong Week@Teipei (2016, Taiwan), Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival (2017, Sichuan), China Shanghai International Arts Festival (2017, Shanghai),  Colourful Guizhou Culture & Art Festival (2018, Guizhou), Kagoshima Asian Youth Arts Festival (2018, Japan) and other international music festivals.
巡迴音樂會 (26-09-2019 香港科技大學曾肇添展藝廳 特別場) 節目
Programme List

語言:粵語 Language: Cantonese


國家 Country


中國 China

彩雲追月Colourful Clouds Chasing the Moon

中國 China

絲路掠影Glances Along the Silk Road

韓國 Korea

大長今Dae Jang Geum

日本 Japan

世上唯一的花Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana

菲律賓 Philippines



甜蜜蜜Dayung Sampan


拉沙沙央Rasa Sayange




海鷗Yine Teh Zin Yaw


腳鈴舞 Foot-bell Dance


沐尼魯法麗峇Munnaeru Valiba


我的朋友 My Friend


土耳其進行曲Turkish March


上埃及舞曲 Dance Music in the Upper Egypt


我的太陽O Sole Mio

(部份樂曲選段演奏 Excerpts will be playing)

演出樂師 Musicians:
杜雪軒 To Suet-hin (笛子Dizi)、余穎嘉Yu Wing-ka (琵琶 Pipa)、陳思彤 Chan Sze-tung (中阮/大阮 Zhongruan/Daruan)、陳啟謙 Chan Kai-Him (高胡/二胡Gaohu/Erhu)、王家樂 Wong Ka-lok (中胡Zhonghu)、翟悅敏 Chak Yuet-man (敲擊 Percussion)
特別嘉賓 Special Guest Musician:
賴應斌 Bryan Lai (揚琴 Yangqin)
備註 Remarks :
- 只招待科大成員及嘉賓 For HKUST members and guests only
- 免費入場 Free admission
- 場地不設劃位 Free seating
網上登記 Online Registration: 
科大職員或學生 HKUST staff members and students: 按此 Click here
科大嘉賓 HKUST guests: 按此 Click here

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries:

主辦 Presented by
竹韻小集 Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble
場地支援 Venue Supported by
科大藝術中心 HKUST Center for the Arts
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department
贊助 Sponsored by
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
Recommended For
UG Students, PG Students, Alumni, Faculty and Staff, HKUST Family, Elderly, General Public
Center for the Arts
Arts / Music / Film / Dance / Drama / Language
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